*** CLICK HERE to check out the NEW Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Rapture 2021 post***

I have earnestly asked and prayed for the Lord to give me a Rapture dream ever since my first major encounter with him on January 1st, 2017…  I desired for the Lord to give me a dream or vision confirming that I would be going in the Rapture, especially one where I was being lifted up to heaven.  Finally, on Saturday, October 12, 2019, at 3:21 am, the Lord gave me the Most AWESOME dream I could ever have in my entire life!

In this dream, it was daytime and I was standing outside on this clear grassy area right off the highway looking up at all the strange things happening in the heavens.  There were all these people standing outside looking up at the heavens as well.  I could not see my Mom at first, but I knew that she was near me.  As I looked up at the sky, I could see the clouds in the heavens being sucked or drawn out from the atmosphere through an opening.  Subsequently, it looked like something was pushing into the atmosphere.  This strange phenomenon looked like suction in and out of the atmosphere that was making me and everyone else think that at any moment something was going to push through the atmosphere and no one could tell what would! 

Everyone was standing and looking up at the heavens in GREAT awe, wonder, and amazement, not knowing what was going on.  For some reason I knew that Mom was the only one with me and my older sister Vanessa was somewhere else with my cousin Tristan during this time.  I couldn’t see my twin sister Cassandra or anyone else in my family standing with us, but I felt at peace about it, as if everyone was okay.

  When the heavens had reached its extreme, as if something was about to burst through the atmosphere, everyone was bracing themselves!  As the atmosphere was being sucked out for the third time, I could see a white piece of the outer atmosphere through a hole in the sky and suddenly I heard the trumpet call of the Lord sound!!  Right then and there I literally started to be lifted off the ground (and I could actually feel myself being lifted up in my dream)!  I quickly turned around to see Mom behind me dressed in her black and brown jacket with her glasses on and I exclaimed, “Yay!!  We are going home!”  I reached out for her and I could tell that she was being lifted up too!  Mom was smiling and I felt a comfort in my heart that even though I couldn’t see the rest of my family there, they were being lifted up to heaven too! 

As Mom and I were being lifted up, we were smiling and so elated to finally be going home!  We were in such awe and could hardly believe what was happening, yet we were so happy to be leaving this world and going up to heaven!  I remember thinking in my dream that I knew the Rapture was coming soon, but I was still taken by surprise when it actually did happen! 

This Rapture dream was hopeful confirmation from the Lord that I would indeed be going in the Rapture and that it is Extremely Soon!  One thing is for sure, it was Absolutely Incredible to be lifted up in this Rapture dream, so I believe that the Real Rapture Day will be even More AMAZING!  I can’t wait!!  I hope you are just as Excited and Pumped as I am to soon be Lifted in this thrilling Rapture up to heaven!